Sunday, May 11, 2014


Aww! Isn't sweet little Zoey adorable!?


This semester I got a 98% in Art Appreciation and a 98.65% in Integrated Math.  All that hard work paid off!  WootWoot!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Heart-Warmers

Here are some pictures of my little "heart-warmers."  It may be cold outside, but these little sweeties melt my heart daily.  ♥

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kaitlin's First Website

Its 2014 so maybe I shouldn't be surprised that second-graders are creating websites, but for some reason I am. (!)

For this project, the second-graders chose a non-fiction subject to research, wrote informative paragraphs, transferred the information to Share, and published their work to the world wide web.  
They spent time creating links and shortcuts, found pictures to coincide with their subject, and practiced "presenting" their website to different audiences.  Amazing!

On Friday, every parent was invited in to the class' official "Web Launch" party.  All of the kids dressed nicely and presented their website to the parents as we walked from desk to desk.  We also had autograph sheets that we could ask each of the kids to sign. Mrs. Kelly and the students worked really hard to make it all come together on time and so perfectly.  

We are so proud of Kaitlin!  

Here's a link to her website:  

If you are interested in viewing some of the websites of her classmates, click this link:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Visit with Santa - 2013


This year, Santa made his annual visit to Fox Hollow on December 6th.  The girls were excited to go see him and even practiced what they were going to say.  Zoey asked for a Furby Boom and Kaitlin asked for a microscope.  Santa asked them to be nicer to each other, to not fight so much, and to keep their rooms clean.  (I appreciated that!!) 
When we got home from our visit with Santa, we found that our Elf on a Shelf, Sara, had snuck into the house, put up a miniature Christmas tree, and brought tickets to Disney on Ice.  What a nice little surprise, huh?


 My grades for the semester are in!  I got a 106% in Geography and 97% in Integrated Mathematics.  Sweet, huh?  Classes start again Jan 21, 2014.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Day My Sister Was Born by Kaitlin Carnahan

Kaitlin did this little project at school.  The link is on Mrs. Kelly's website under student projects. (It is funny to listen to some of the other kids' stories, too!) 

I hope with all my heart that this link stays forever and ever. I'm not sure it will, so check it out while you can:

The story goes more like this:  My water broke, my parents came to our house to stay with Kaitlin while Brandon and I went to the hospital.  Almost 24 hours later, I had Zoey by C-section.  My parents brought Kaitlin the next day to meet Zoey.  She met her and then watched a movie and ate applesauce because honestly there's not much else to do in a hospital room.  After two days, we took Zoey home. 
However, I DO like Kaitlin's memory of the event!  It seems like so much more fun to crawl under people to get the first glimpse of the baby.

Enjoy! ♥