Thursday, May 30, 2013

Throwback Thursday

The girls sharing a bowl of popcorn in 2010. 
Seriously... where has the time gone?!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Cousin Love

Unfortunately Brooklyn had already gone to bed, but I was lucky enough to catch these cute cousin photos last night at Michael and Angie's Memorial Day BBQ. 


K & Z absolutely adore RJ!  Of course, we already consider him ours, but our fingers are crossed that RJ's adoption goes quickly and smoothly.  If it goes as planned, he should officially be a Nincehelser by the end of the year.  ♥

Friday, May 24, 2013

Busy Week!

Here are a few pictures from the week! 

A girl and her dog.

On Wednesday, Zoey and I met some friends at the library for a "petting zoo."  To our surprise, there were no animals.  It was actually a Truck Petting Zoo.  As in - "pet a government truck."  (I'm betting something fell through with the original petting zoo plan!)  Anyways, it was pretty neat since the kids were able to check out a fire truck, an ambulance and even a street sweeper!  I thought it was neat that they put Zoey's name up on the board!

And then a quick lunch a McD's!  .....

"Mom, take a picture of this chicken nugget."

On Thursday morning, I took Zoey to a skating class at Skate City called "Pixie Skate."  Its a cute little class for 2-6 year olds.  They have about four instructors who teach the kids things like how to land when they fall and even how to get up!  The kids got a little snack and skated around for an hour and a half.  Zoey LOVED it!  ♥

On Thursday night, Kaitlin's girl scout troop painted a bookshelf for Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.  The coalition will fill the bookshelf with books for the homeless children to enjoy.

Today was field day at Fox Hollow.  (The best day of the school year, right!?)  Zoey and I volunteered to run the "bear crawl" station, so we didn't get many pictures of Kaitlin.  However, it was an absolutely beautiful day and we could tell that Kaitlin and the rest of her class had an awesome time!  (Kaitlin is the one on the far left.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Lets try this again. 

Something went wrong with our last blog.  It doesn't recognize me anymore and won't let me log on.  I guess I could dive deeper into the technical issues, but so much time has passed that I think it might be fun just to start fresh. 

Here's a recent picture of the four of us:
Brandon, Zoey, Kaitlin & Barb @ Mt Rushmore May 2013
So cute, right?! 

Let me tell you - - Time is flying!  The girls are getting bigger and more sassy by the day. 

Kaitlin has found her first true love...  BOOKS.  She reads and reads and reads almost non-stop.  She's been really into the Magic Fairy books lately.  Luckily for us, there are hundreds of titles.  (That should keep her busy until the end of the month!  Ha!)  Zoey is also becoming a little reader.  She likes to mimic Kaitlin and "read" the chapter books, too.  She flips through the pages and finds words that she knows.  Surprisingly, she knows a lot of the words and is getting good at figuring out a lot of the ones she doesn't.  Zoey will be starting Kindergarten in less than two months and will be way ahead of the curve.  We are so proud of our little smarties!  ♥

Brandon is working at University of Colorado Hospital with the EPIC department.  If he's not busy with work stuff, we keep him busy here at home.  A few weekends ago, he painted the kitchen and family room for us.  We did work on the project together, but honestly I shouldn't take any credit... he did 95% of the work.  Kaitlin calls the color "Chocolate Milk."  He's such a hard worker and amazes me daily with his unending energy and motivation.  In June he will be competing in his first Tough Mudder with some of his friends.  I think he's nervous, but excited.  Mud runs are good for the soul, so I think it will be a great experience for him. 

Last week I finished an AGS degree from Community College of Aurora.  When I realized I only needed two classes to complete the degree, I quickly re-enrolled.  I finished the semester with a 99.2% in my Child Development class and a 98% in my Intro to Lit class.  I asked for a letter of recommendation from one of my teachers for a scholarship, and here's an excerpt from the letter:
"Ms. Carnahan is an excellent student.  She earned an A in this class by maintaining a 98%, which was the highest grade in the class.  In addition to excellent grades, Ms. Carnahan had perfect attendance.  Moreover, Ms. Carnahan contributed a great deal to the academic discussion in the course and often took a leadership role when working in groups."
I'm normally not a bragger (this post is NOT proof of that statement! Haha!) but I'm pretty proud considering I came home from the first Intro to Lit class convinced that course was going to kick my ass.  However, I'm finding that going to college is much easier in my old age.  Maybe it's easier to focus when you're not distracted by boys and booze.  ;-)

I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) to keep up with this blog better than the last one.  Life crept in and the old blog crept out.  But, I realize it was a good tool for keeping in touch with family and friends, so here goes!  Wish me luck and let me know what you want me to post about.  Sometimes its hard to see our "headlines" when we are in the middle of living them, ya know? 

XO ~