Thursday, August 22, 2013

St. Mary's Glacier

It seems like this super-cool hike has now become a yearly tradition. 
St. Mary's Glacier is just past Idaho Springs, CO ~ about an hour away.  Its a quick hike- less than a mile, and has lots of big rocks to climb over. 
The best part is the payoff at the end ~ the glacier, the lake, and the surrounding mountains are absolutely gorgeous. ♥

Here's a picture of Brandon teaching the girls how to skip rocks:


While we were there, the storm clouds started rolling in...

....but that didn't stop us.  ;)

We made it to the glacier, took a couple pictures, ate lunch...

... and then made it back down before the rain and the hail came.
See ya next year, glacier. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Denver County Fair 2013

Here are a few pictures that I took at the Denver County Fair.  The girls had a great time seeing the animals up close and were excited to ride the ponies.

The one event that I didn't get a picture of, but should have, was the pie eating contest.  Luckily, none of us participated because honestly it was really kind of gross to watch people scarf down an entire pie in three minutes. :-\

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lakeside Amusement Park

Last week we went to Lakeside Amusement Park.  We had a great time and ended up with quite a few cute pictures ~ enjoy! 




Girl Scout Camping Trip 2013

On Aug 3rd, Kaitlin and I went on a little camping trip with our girl scout troop.  We did a short walk through Garden of the Gods...

.... and then went to the cabin where the girls did some fun crafts...

...and ended their night with a pillow fight...

It was a short but fun trip and we are definitely looking forward to going again next year!

Two Weenies

Should we have held up the cardboard weenie props???
Last weekend we saw the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile at the Denver County Fair.  We decided when you have a once-in-a-lifetime photo op like this, you shouldn't hide behind a weenie.  ;)~

Happy 7th Birthday, Kaitlin!

On Aug 2nd Kaitlin turned 7.
Where does the time go?!?!