Thursday, October 3, 2013

A New Car!

Meet the newest member of our family....

....our new 2006 Nissan Pathfinder!  While it's not a *NEW* car, it's new to us and has a lot of the features we were looking for.  Besides the third-row seat, the second best feature is the dual climate control.  This is especially exciting for us since Brandon is always burning and I am always freezing.  Now I can crank my side up to 90 and he can leave his at 60.  Win, win!  ;-)

When you make a large purchase like this, there is always doubt in the back of your mind.  Did we make the right decision, did we pick a good vehicle, etc... 
The day after we bought it, I was flipping through the owner's manual and two four-leaf clovers were stuck between the pages!  We figure that *must* be a good sign.  RIGHT?!?!

We've had the Pathfinder for just under two weeks and so far its been great.  The girls looooove climbing to the far back seat.  It makes me feel a little like a bus driver, but that feeling goes away when I see them smiling ear to ear in my rearview mirror.

Just let us know if you want to go for a ride sometime!  ♥