Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Silly Times w/ Grandma Pam

Welcome to Denver, Grandma Pam! 
(Seriously, this picture cracks me up.  The mischievous look on Kaitlin's face is priceless!)

Since Grandma Pam has been here, we have been trying to have as much fun as we can.  It seems like something is planned every single day.  And if something's not planned, we turn nothing into something...

Like the day we rode bikes and walked to Sonic and back:

One day we went to a Kiddie Amusement park called Lollipop Park.  The girls had a blast! 

(This video cracks me up!  Look how fast they are going compared to everyone else!)

Can you do this with your toes????

Last week we went to a kid-oriented mystery play at the Adams Mystery Playhouse.  It was sooooo cute & just perfect for the girls. We were able to bring in sack lunches and help the actors solve The Mystery of the Talent Trophy. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Cow Appreciation Day @ Chick Fil A

Ever wonder what we'd do for FREE chicken at Chick Fil A??

July 12 was "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick Fil A.  If you show up dressed in a cow costume, they give you a free entrée.  Honestly, we can never turn down Chick Fil A - especially when it's FREE! 

Yay for Kindergarten!

My phone issues have prevented me from posting these pictures timely. 
Frustrating!  But, better late than never....
Here is a cute lil picture of ZoZo getting ready to head off to her first day of Kindergarten.  Its so hard to believe she's old enough for this!!!! 
This is Zoey's teacher, Mrs. LaGrange.  She taught 3rd grade last year and decided to move to Kindergarten this year.  Lucky Zoey!  I think its great that she's coming from the perspective of knowing what is expected of the older kids and preparing these little guys for the road ahead.  She seems like a no-nonsense teacher and I think she'll be great for Zoey. 
PS.  The word on the street is that she's a former Broncos cheerleader. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Technical Difficulties

I have a lot of new pictures to post, but I've encountered some technical difficulties.  I need Brandon to fix my phone so it will upload my pictures.  He has been super-busy with work and out of town, so he hasn't had a chance to look into the issue.  But, stay tuned....  I'll get something posted soon-ish! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Our Lil Second-Grader

Today Kaitlin started 2nd Grade!  It is absolutely crazy how quickly the time passes.... someone please push the pause button! 

Kaitlin with her teacher Mrs. Kelly

Friday, July 5, 2013

More Face Paint

How many times can two kids get their faces painted in one summer????????

These works of art were done at the neighborhood 4th of July parade and celebration. 

Apparently face painting is a lucrative summer-time business!  ;-)


Here's our big new this week:  Kaitlin learned how to ride a bike without training wheels! 

On the 4th of July, we were hanging out in Uncle Mike's garage.  All the cousins were riding scooters, bikes, roller skates, skateboards, etc. After a bit, Kaitlin grew tired of the skates and scooters, so she decided to try her hand at the little two-wheeler bicycle.  She was a little frustrated at first, but after a few tries, she got the hang of it! 

I'm pretty sure the day you learn to ride a bike goes down in your memory bank forever so it was a big day indeed.   #proudparents

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Raining!

Playing in the rain!   ♥


New Backpacks?

Will you please help us solve a dispute?  I added a voting widget on the right-hand side regarding school backpacks.  Vote and tell us what you'd do!  VOTE QUICK!  School starts in 6 days...

(You may have to view the web version of the blog to vote!)

Deck is Done

The deck is stained and the required repairs have been made.  Mission accomplished! 
Looks good, Brandon!  Thank you!