Monday, July 29, 2013

Yay for Kindergarten!

My phone issues have prevented me from posting these pictures timely. 
Frustrating!  But, better late than never....
Here is a cute lil picture of ZoZo getting ready to head off to her first day of Kindergarten.  Its so hard to believe she's old enough for this!!!! 
This is Zoey's teacher, Mrs. LaGrange.  She taught 3rd grade last year and decided to move to Kindergarten this year.  Lucky Zoey!  I think its great that she's coming from the perspective of knowing what is expected of the older kids and preparing these little guys for the road ahead.  She seems like a no-nonsense teacher and I think she'll be great for Zoey. 
PS.  The word on the street is that she's a former Broncos cheerleader. 

1 comment:

  1. Go Broncos! She'll be a great fit for Zoey. Another 'first.' Go Zoey!
