Friday, June 28, 2013

Celebrate Summer Party

Face painting two days in a row????  WHAAAAT??!

Yep, believe it or not, its true.

The rec center up the street was having a "Celebrate Summer" party, so I packed up the kids and we braved the hundred-degree heat to enjoy the festivities. 

We had RJ and Brooklyn with us today.  The big kids rode scooters and I pulled the littler ones in the wagon.  Fun times!   




Here are the kids running through the obstacle course:
AND last but not least, a little video to tickle your funny bone. 


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Face Painting!

I hope everyone REAAAAAALLLY appreciates this post.  The "price" was steep!  We went to "Kidtopia" at Southlands and waited in line for over two hours in the hot late-afternoon sun for face paint.  (Believe me, I tried to bribe the girls to leave the line but they insisted it would be worth the wait.)  I call this one a true test of patience and sacrifice. 
So whaddya think?  Worth the two-hour wait??? 

Zoey's Unicorn
Zoey's Unicorn
RJ's puppy-dog face
Kaitlin's Ladybug



Life is Beachy

We went to the "beach" twice this week!  On Tuesday, it was just me and the girls.  On Thursday, we were able to bring RJ with us!  My friend Laura and her boys also met us at Cherry Creek Reservoir for some fun in the sun. 

Our Weekend with Mimi & Daydo

Last weekend Mimi & Daydo came for a quick visit. 

We started the weekend at Southlands where the girls happily ran through the pop jet fountains and enjoyed a treat at Tutti Frutti.

On Saturday we went to the North Pole and had dinner in Manitou Springs. The North Pole is awesome and as you can see from the photos, everyone had a great time! 



(We started doing something funny that Tim coined, "The Carna-Cam."  It's a live-action video of a ride.  This particular Carna-Cam was taken on a ride called "The Scrambler"...  LOL!  Do you hear Zoey at the end?  "Can I go again?"  I think the girls rode this ride at least three times.)

.... and proof I was there, too.  (Thanks, Tim!)

On Sunday, we went to Pearl Street Mall in Boulder.  The girls found a street performer pretending to be a statue.  They got a kick out of putting a dollar in her basket and watching the statue "come to life" to blow them a kiss.

There's never enough time to fit in all the fun we want to have.  BUT, we are so grateful for the time we do get.  ♥

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tough Mudder 2013

Brandon did it!  He completed his first Tough Mudder!  He is so proud of himself and we are so proud of him, too. 

Way to go, Brandon & Nick!  ♥

(When Brandon was done, he took a video of the Electroshock Therapy obstacle.  Looks fun!)


I took the girls to Noodles & Co Saturday night while we were waiting for Brandon to get home from the Tough Mudder.  The girls discovered the chopsticks and then a sanity-saving employee brought over two little chopstick holders so they wouldn't have to struggle through the meal.  The little green thing on the chopsticks basically holds the sticks at an angle and all you have to do is squeeze the sticks together like tongs.  Pretty neat! 


Fun in the Sun

On Saturday, I took the girls to the pop-jet fountain at Southlands.  They loved every minute of it! 

Friday, June 14, 2013


Randomness is awesome!

Thursday after school, the girls and I went to the library to return some books.  As we were looking for new books to check out, the librarian came over the PA system and announced that a porcupine was in the community rooms and invited anyone in who wanted to see it.  OF COURSE we wanted to see a porcupine!  Who wouldn't?? 

Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately??) they didn't let us pet it, but I was able to snap a couple pics of this random event before my phone died. 

Pixie Skate Class

I have been taking Zoey to the Thursday morning Pixie Skate Class at Skate City.  It's a drop-in class for 2-6 year olds.  They teach the kids how to fall (I know that sounds silly!) and how to get back up.  They play cute little games and songs with them like "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Chicken Dance."  Zoey loves going and I think her skating - or at least her confidence - has definitely improved.  If we go 10 times this summer, Zoey will get a free pair of skates!  Exciting! 

.....and (of course!) a live-action video:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Spring Concert

Tonight was the Fox Hollow Spring Concert.  Each grade sang 3 - 5 songs and the show lasted about an hour. 
We took videos of the 1st graders..  Kaitlin is on the right-hand side in the middle row with the light blue shirt.  Believe me - it is really entertaining to watch the kids perform.  ;)

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Over on the right-hand side I added an option for you to subscribe by email!  If you want to utilize the service, it should send you an email every time we publish a new post.  YAY!
P.S. You have to access the web version of the blog.  It doesn't give you the option to subscribe on the mobile site!

97 Degrees (in the shade)... Zoey and I headed to the pool!