Sunday, June 9, 2013


We started June with a "Trailer Trash" party!  Our good friends The Knutsons are building a house (themselves!!!) and are living in a fifth-wheel on their property during the process.  Of course, there's no better way to celebrate than to mock the situation.  We dressed up in our best attire and had a really fun evening with friends.   

Here are a couple pictures of the shenanigans.  ;-)

This picture doesn't do it justice, but the view from their property is amazing.

"Baby on my hip" was very well-behaved.

More like cousins than friends -
Here's a picture of Kaitlin and Zoey w/ Braden and Keegan.
We sure wish Laura, Jordan, and the boys a ton of success with the project!  Brandon plans to help Jordan with construction when time permits.  He wants to learn some of the ins and outs of building a house from the ground up.  Personally, I'm looking forward to watching the sun set behind the mountains when their house is complete.  :-P


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