Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our Weekend with Mimi & Daydo

Last weekend Mimi & Daydo came for a quick visit. 

We started the weekend at Southlands where the girls happily ran through the pop jet fountains and enjoyed a treat at Tutti Frutti.

On Saturday we went to the North Pole and had dinner in Manitou Springs. The North Pole is awesome and as you can see from the photos, everyone had a great time! 



(We started doing something funny that Tim coined, "The Carna-Cam."  It's a live-action video of a ride.  This particular Carna-Cam was taken on a ride called "The Scrambler"...  LOL!  Do you hear Zoey at the end?  "Can I go again?"  I think the girls rode this ride at least three times.)

.... and proof I was there, too.  (Thanks, Tim!)

On Sunday, we went to Pearl Street Mall in Boulder.  The girls found a street performer pretending to be a statue.  They got a kick out of putting a dollar in her basket and watching the statue "come to life" to blow them a kiss.

There's never enough time to fit in all the fun we want to have.  BUT, we are so grateful for the time we do get.  ♥

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun...thanks to all! Barb, we'll send the other photos -- I sent you a group one today. Diane has all of the others. The bad news is you are not in any of the above as you were 'snapping' our memories (even the funnel cake was in a picture!). The picture of Brandon on the slide is priceless (waving). The girls are off to a great summer -- have fun Zoey and Kaitlin!!!! The 'carna-cam' is awesome.
